Wave of rock in Western Australia

Sunday, July 19, 2015 hamada cabo 0 Comments

Everyone used to the waves of the sea and water but do you ever heard about the wave of rock? A fact, not fiction, where a wave of rock found only in the town, "Hayden" which is located in Western Australia.

And this wave very interesting scientists because of the composition of shale natural They consist of Jeranib and rock extrusion and an extension of about 15 meters and a height of about 110 meters Portal derives its name in the fact of being closely resemble sea waves are introverted and Kontoa high sea wave.

This picture shows how the decline of this cavity and rocky wave, which is heard for rain water that is stored inside due to this huge cavity.

And it should be noted that this big rock wave is not the mountains or normal and rocks, but formed as a result of chemical materials in the underground, and also from Altokulat river, leading to a cavity formed bit by bit until this big wave

And it was established in 1951 by the Ministry of Public Works in this reservoir rock cavity to be learned from the town of rain water and take advantage of the rock wave in the cavity in order to collect water flowing inside the tank.


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