How much time endures when humans are destroying the world of robots

Sunday, August 23, 2015 hamada cabo 0 Comments

Science fiction movies always give us a robot superior intelligence and strength who will try to go out on the power of human beings, and build his own kingdom, and perhaps also to eliminate us. We saw this a lot in the movie as i Robot and Terminator and others. What if now Alaliyun tried to implement this dream fantasy and control on the planet, or destroy it?

Before I answer this question, I am going first for Scientific my background on the subject. I am not an expert in any way robots better, but I have some knowledge to whom. First Vozifti after graduating from college, was working at NASA on the development of some of the robots, and I graduated from university study before the project was for directing robots and move them. I spent my adolescence period has been involved in some programming robots to participate in the fighting in some of the competitions, also worked in the time she has finished in-house mechanism to develop remote-controlled, and you can repeat dive in the water. It has seen a lot of battles between robots destroying in a lot of competitions.

And my experience that, if I learned them one thing, it is my confidence in that any revolution to existing robots will end quickly, because all robots will break down and stop the movement, or be hanged in closed places or in front of walls, Valaliyn do not work properly at all.

What people do not put him in mind when Tejelhm robots are strong, like those in the movie Terminator, walking pride over the mountains of skulls of human beings, proud of their victory over the human, walking on the roof of an unstable mountain of the very difficult skulls, even on people who spend their entire lives practicing walking . How the case for robots now? And who can not walk on the surface is not even paved?

What can happen in the future? The evolution of technology is steadily and fast now, but we still have a lot but we make intelligent automatic-class science fiction movies can destroy the planet. But instead of imagining the future, let's assume that the current robots, and using the techniques currently available only, they decided to go out for Toana, or has been re-programmed to attack us. I'll show you a quick snapshots of what I see unexpected scenario of what will happen.

In the development of robotics labs everywhere, experimental mechanisms will begin to jump off the shelves in a deadly anger, and then locate the door, and then very strongly Sterttm door trying to destroy him, before crashing to the ground broken.

If they are lucky and have a hand can use the lab door handle, or leave individual careless lab doors open, they will have to possess the necessary fitness and agility to cross the rubber thresholds that are placed on the ground in front of the doors before going out.

After several hours would be lost, mostly in place, and perhaps some of them locked up in the same waters near the sessions, desperately trying to eliminate what their masters Atjelonh human inhabitants, but they are in fact fighting cans napkins.

But robots developers in the laboratory will be the smaller part of the next revolution, Vojhzh computer all around us, what if we tried to those closest to the hardware, the revolution we? What if I tried to do a revolution of mobile phones and out voluntarily for humans?

If this happens, Fajaarthm to attack us is very limited. They can, for example, Tgrimna lot of money by using false invoices in banks, which are controlled by computers on their financial systems, which may cause Avlassna. But, on the basis of current news headlines, and this would just be adding to our debt and current losses no more. What about the phones? Ststtaa phones to attack us directly. Will begin running annoying tones caused us a headache, also will begin vibrating heavily on desks attempt movement, so until you reach the edge at the end and fall to the ground, hoping to infect our fingers painful bruises.

All modern cars running the computer now, and therefore they will be able to join their friends in the mechanism of the revolution. But most of the cars are parked most of the time. But we will assume that they will be able to change gears movement without the use of driver, and then will begin the movement, trying to target us. But only a few of them have the front cameras and maps to tell them where to move, and therefore will not be in front of them only starting very quickly to the front, hoping they slam into something important. And most likely that the case will end their Mstdman a tree or light pole or wall. But the danger comes from the fact that cars on the road already, and according to statistics, about 10 million vehicles moving on the roads of the United States at any time. Those cars will represent a risk to the passengers, and who will try to curb car revolution channeled wheel associated with driving mechanically-drive, or even raise the brakes manual unrelated computer, and in return will try the car to prevent them from control with the launch of air protection bags in their faces, and increase the speed of the car degree of madness, Ooastdam barriers way to kill the driver. The role of the automobile in the next revolution mechanism will be an important role, but it will not settle for robots victory for sure.

We come now to the largest robots who made them human beings, and they Allier factories, cars and aircraft as factories and assembly lines electronic devices. But these are established factory floors. It will be linked to the presence of dangerous the workers around them in their arms movement. But what it will do if all the workers fled? All you can do is to stop production, and thus depriving human beings of their products, and that we can live without most of them already, but it will be a very limited role in the revolution or to no avail.

What about Alalaaat designed to fight in competitions Battlebots? Showing of their name they will be at the forefront of robot fighters. But the reality proves otherwise. It is hard to find a real size of a small threat can be overcome easily by standing above the high water table workshops him Mahrka electrical circles.

As for the Laliyn designers to deal with bombs and revoked, ordered them very easy. With few numbers and the presence of most of them in closed funds within the Security carts, you can easily overcome any automatic rogue anti Jendaa them by no more fires.

All of the above represents the simple side, which is not dangerous to humans if the mechanism of revolution, but the above is not everything, there are still some expected the real danger of a more powerful robots are present Banna.ktairat drone, the closest model of terminator movies in contemporary reality . Certainly, then it will be a dangerous aircraft inescapable fact. But, fortunately, it will be temporary dangerous, because it specified the amount of fuel and portable missiles and which will be implemented quickly, and can not be replaced without human help. That we also Fortunately, the majority are kept in the aircraft below deck protected well, and that can not easily leave, and you will spend all her time in trying to break down the doors before crashing it is the same. And this is left in front of us now only the greatest danger, an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Theoretically, you can not launch a nuclear weapon without direct human intervention. But actually, all steps to launch a nuclear weapon controlled by computers, what if those devices as decided in the network Skynet from the Terminator film to participate in the revolution and the launch of nuclear weapons to destroy the world? Even if all the keys necessary, will enable computers and then convince operators that there is already a nuclear war, forcing them to use the keys and rocket fire to respond to the attack. Which will destroy the world completely. This is what will happen if we assume that the goal of the revolution is to destroy the robot world. But what if their goal is to control the humans? At the time certainly will not use nuclear weapons, what is called a nuclear explosion and radiation next to the explosive wave, pulses of electromagnetic energy capable of repeal all electronic devices in the vicinity of the blast, Off so all robots, computers, phones and unmanned aircraft. That any use of nuclear weapons more dangerous to humans than robots themselves.
If possible for a human somewhere in the launch of a nuclear missile and blown up in the ionosphere IN THE ATMOSPHERE, will extend the influence of electromagnetic pulses to cover the whole planet, hang each to its electronic chip, which means the triumph of human beings, even if the result is the loss of a large part of civilization. This means that the interest of the mechanisms When you think of the revolution on humans and the disposal of human control over them, to rethink their decision, before they destroy themselves, and Egnhawwa for peace, the better for them.


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