Glimpses of innovative Islamic civilization

Friday, October 23, 2015 hamada cabo 0 Comments

Usually called the period from 450 to 1492 AD Dark Ages in terms of intellectual and economic overshadowed the darkness around Europe since the fall of the Romanian Empire and even the beginning of the modern era. But elsewhere in the world in the same era, we find another civilization may have seen unprecedented prosperity ... a "Islamic civilization". That civilization that stretched across three continents, contributed over 1,000 years to the advancement of science and technology, medicine, architecture and astronomy. In the holy month of Ramadan you on a date with an exciting journey through the creative profiles of Islamic civilization where highlight the creations of Islamic civilization in the various fields of life and that made this era worthy to be a golden age right series. Before we get into the details of our journey every aspect of creativity in the golden age of civilization of Islam, let us take the first day as a tour Choiqih we review the creative brief glimpses of various aspects of life under the Islamic civilization.

Innovation in Sustainable Development:

Muslims are interested in sustainable development first windmill was built in the reign of Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab in 640 AD. Windmills built in the Arabian desert dry areas where the wind is blowing on a regular basis, have been used to grind grain and raise the water as the highest constructed houses and castles to push air through channels to the inside to serve as a rudimentary conditioning.
Innovation in the games:

Muslims developed many games and mechanical models for animals that produce sounds artificially using air pressure and the flow of water is the most famous bull mustache which is a machine in the form of a bull issued after Artoa voice to drink water.

Innovation in the account:

The early Muslims credited with giving the "zero" recipe sports back. It was an old zero means "vacuum" or "nothing", and before that the Muslims in keeping fields we did not used to be able to know the meaning of writing the number 64 mean ... Is it 64 or 604 or is it 6400?

Innovation in Arms:

Muslims first great interest in the weapons industry invented the first aqueous torpedo known in history. It was a torpedo-like egg, stuffed with gunpowder from the inside. The torpedo self-rushes on the water surface has been provided with an arrow in the foreground so that penetrates the wooden structure of the ship so that steadies the enemy before they explode.

 Creativity in music:

Muslims in the Middle Ages playing a musical instrument called the harp, which is the biggest advances of the machine currently guitar. The musical scale known Doe, Re, Mi, Fa, access, ... its votes came from signifier Arabic letters, ra, mim, ta, antibiotic ..

Creativity in Communications:

Muslims excelled in sending encrypted messages and decrypt decoded through a method called "Analysis of repetition." He has built "aware of cryptanalysis" modern Muslims in efforts decoded. Thanks to that of science and Allied armies were able to decipher the German army blades in World War II.

Innovation in Geography:

Muslims were able to calculate the circumference of the earth with precision so that the difference between appreciation is different then what we know now for only 201 kilometers. Geographers Muslims detailed maps, and studied by Christopher Columbus to help him complete his journey to discover America as a fee.

Innovation in Education:

Education was in the Islamic civilization completely free and even had offers to the students what they need from books and personal expenses and place of residence. The education system has evolved in the era of the Ottoman Empire to include the college system for the first time, and the Higher Education includes admission exams and final exams, as in the university education system currently.

Innovation in ablution:

 The world famous island invented a special robotic machine to wash, a portable machine looks in the form of a peacock on the subject of Chinese. The only person to put pressure on the head of the peacock and the water will come to him on the eight payments sufficient to complete the ablution in order to avoid wasting water. Even if some of those machines were fitted with the possibility to provide you with a towel!

Innovation in Cities:

 In some developed cities in the Muslim world there was a donkey carts used to collect garbage regularly, but it was the cities exchange systems cleaned daily. To mitigate the heat of the desert climate, engineers and covered the narrow road design was keen to publish the shadows.

Innovation in Aviation:

Invention of the first manned rocket back to a Turkish man named Kagari Hassan Shalabi, Kagari has provided the rocket fuel of gunpowder and launched it high and landed safely in the water. The first attempt in aviation history as belonging to the Muslim Abbas Ibn Firnas world, previously so the Wright brothers invented the plane.
Innovation in Medicine:

Muslims used advanced methods of treatment such as music therapy. Also up to them first they credited with inventing the surgical scalpel, which remains in use to this day. Muslims are also interested in research on medicinal plants sedative to relieve the pain of patients, rather than the use of alcohol forbidden.


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