Ancient cultures may soon disappear
There are many tribes that are trying hard to keep away from civilization and maintain its culture, customs and ways of life that are unique, each people of these peoples method of living that keen on them, but there are some of these cultures that are threatened with extinction, let know it together in lines the following.
Korowai tribe
Korowai primitive tribe in Indonesia has a long history of cannibalism, and what makes them really distinctive are their homes, which Ebenoha on the trees at a height of 6 to 12 meters from the ground to avoid the attacks, as they seem to think that the bodies of the witches are going to land when it gets dark. These people do not last long for the lack of all means of treatment, and they are content with banana leaves to cover themselves, leaving them only 3,000, and before the arrival of anthropologists to this region to study in the seventies, these people did not know that there are strangers living above the planet, and they live on bananas and wild boars and deer.
In recent years it was left of them who live on the trees where very little that the new generation preferred to move to the settlements established by missionaries Alholndeao, and thus is expected to become extinct this culture entirely.
Samburu tribe
Imagine the most ideal culture based on patience, tolerance and honesty above all other values, as people are eager to help each other always, there is no poverty nor riches, but lying and stealing, aggression and arguments is almost unknown here. Major crimes simply do not exist where everyone is happy, life is not really ideal, as Ladakh is a barren desert in the summer and freezing in winter there above the high range of the Himalayas in Northern India from Jammu and Kashmir, with few resources, have been isolated completely even Way was built in 1962 to link the region with the rest of India, but the update did not have a significant impact on this community until 1975, when I arrived tourism to the place, where Ladakhis felt that their lives primitive style and began to shy away from it, and they compared themselves with tourists and therefore they went their happiness and knew poverty and destroyed families and with them all the beautiful relationships, Frvo selfishness, competitiveness and frustration.
Huaorani tribe
Huaorani has a long history with the use of spears deadly blowguns against anyone else in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, where revenge is a way of life, and you want energy companies drilling in the Amazon rainforest to extract huge reserves of crude oil, which shall lie down under Ishpingo-Tambococha- area Tiputini (ITT) of the Yasuni National Park. In 2007, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa suggested that the governments around the world to give Ecuador $ 3.6 trillion in exchange for not drilling ITT Ecuador, and in 2013, he abandoned his commitment to protect the tribes of the Amazon from drilling, but they are ready to fight with machetes and spears if the oil companies drilling on Earth and threaten their way of life.
Hundreds of years ago, roamed the Samburu in northern Kenya in search of water and grass for cattle, which are the only source of food, it has now threatened by a severe drought, as it faces a greater threat than ever before from the Kenyan authorities, where the police rape of Samburu, and beating them, burning their homes constantly. Last harassment began after the two US charities to protect wildlife in buying surface-Samburu, give it to Kenya to create a national park, where these charities think they have purchased land from a private owner.
Kingdom Laloba LOBA
Of hidden cultures in the harsh terrain of the Nepalese Himalayas, the Kingdom of Tibet previous Mustang, also known as Lu, and looks like access to capital, a step back to the fourteenth century, was this civilization Tibetan Buddhist Pure closed for foreigners until 1992, it has had access it is available only on foot or on horseback until recently. We now know some information about the ancient history of text and graphics on the walls and religious artifacts discovered in the caves of Mustang who live on the ground with a complete lack of all modern means and the lack of educational opportunities for their children, and funded by China's new highway that will link the cities of Lhasa in Tibet, and Kathmandu in Nepal, which will make the tribe Mustang a major trade route, while the part of the people of Mustang welcomes modernization, the leaders are worried about the loss of Tibetan Buddhist culture forever, especially since most residents of the area they leave in search of better job opportunities.
San tribe of the San
Love tribe Tsatan and hang reindeer is unique, in giving them milk, cheese, and move them across the frozen mountains and pine forests of their homeland in the north of Mongolia, there are only about 500 Tsatani only. Diseases and problems caused by dwindling numbers of reindeer also therefore can no longer wear reindeer skins or the use of animal skins to cover their own tents.
They left move every five weeks to find pasture for Hiwanhm beloved and their turbulent relationship with tourists, as also many visitors come without an interpreter, and dispose of trash and pollute the environment, as they took pictures of Tsatan as if they are in a zoo, and the problem is that tourists riding horses, but Tsatan afraid of the extinction of their culture older than 3,000 years and which will not survive without the help of the government, they are struggling to survive, struggling because children are turning to computers and other technology to prepare them to live in the modern world, and that young people are leaving taiga cities, and feared the older Tsatan survive on their own.
Tribe Ladakh The Ladakhis
Before the invasion of its territory, it was Awa nomadic tribe living in harmony with the Amazon rainforest in Brazil for centuries, and they were fishermen shared mango with parrots and Hammocks with animal coatis, which resemble raccoons, women in this tribe who had been nursing and even small monkeys and pigs sometimes. Then in 1967, while he was Geologists Americans on a mission reconnaissance plane landed accidentally largest deposits of iron ore in the world, and who was in the Carajas Mountains, which led to the Great Carajas project, which is backed by the World Bank and industrial countries huge mining operation such as the US United and Japan. The invasion of the territory of the Awa by logging and livestock owners. The settlers have been involved in the destruction of large areas of rain forest in search of minerals and other resources, has invaders killed many of the Awa, sometimes shoot them and other times by giving them gifts such as flour poisoned, it was left of the Awa there are only about 350 individual 0.100 of them do not have any contact with strangers. Finally, under pressure from human rights groups such as Survival International, the Brazilian government launched the operation to expel the invaders and Awa return to their land, and the question is whether Brazil will ensure that the return of loggers and ranchers to place again?
Alkukuba Cocopah
Cocopah means the population of the river, kill to preserve their culture against governments that are trying to prevent the tribe from access to water, and they live for more than 500 years in the delta of the Colorado bottom River, located in the state of Arizona in the United States and Baja California and Sonora in Mexico, it has been number in the last 22 thousand, but it dwindled to about 1,300 of them remain only 10 of speaking their mother tongue. Beginning in 1922, it transformed the United States, Mexico and most of the Colorado River Delta area away from where he lived Cocopah, has led to drought two million acres of wet lands, causing Shell's ability Tribe on agriculture and fishing.
Then during the eighties the United States succeeded during floods El Nino in open reservoirs, and send the increasing flood waters through the river delta and the destruction of homes Cocopah, forcing them to move to El Mayor, where no rights are not in agriculture or in the arable water, and years ago, and the United States agreed and Mexico to allow about 1% of the flow of the Colorado River to the Delta in an attempt to restore the wet land. But Cocopah face another problem. In 1993, the Mexican government established the Golfo de Alto, California and Biosphere Reserve Delta del Rio Colorado, a project that campus Cocopah fishing and thus become a lot of them can not make a living, says Monica Gonzalez, aged 44 years "Sometimes I think that our leaders are talking about Cocopah as if we had already died, but we are still alive."
Mercy the Mursi tribe
Tribe consists of less than 10,000 people south-west of Ethiopia, which is well known paintings lip worn by their wives, which is considered a symbol of the stage of social maturity and potential fertility, and despite the fact that the Ethiopian government considered them nomads, but they are not stable actually, they move depending on rainfall in an effort to find a place where water for the cultivation of crops such as corn and beans, as they need pastures to feed the cattle, which is not only a food source, but it is also the currency to trade grain and validate social relationships such as marriage, and in recent decades, the Ethiopian government launched development projects on a wide range of Mercy land for the tribe to create a commercial and irrigation projects of national parks, has been expelled thousands of the tribe. They are beaten, the Ethiopian government uses some of the international aid to resettle the tribe Mercy force.
Tribe Tsatan
San people in Botswana are originally snipers living on fishing, but the government has expelled them from the middle of their land Pkalahari under the pretext of maintaining their wealth, although they allow the extraction of diamonds and exploit in tourism and other activities, and after displacement, the government deported them and give them some cattle, which they have converted from fishermen livestock herders to a life not understand. One of them says that the government has brought them out of their land and their campaign with their belongings in their trucks and came to a place they do not know and do not know this way of life; because it is not their way. Many of them were injured AIDS virus and diseases were not known them, and become alcohol dependent youths, and girls give birth without marriage, so that the mortality rate rose between them and all this because of them out of their environment and keep them away from the life they know, and they tend now to extinction.
Awa tribe