Climate Jane push it a new animal world has not seen before change!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 hamada cabo 0 Comments

It seems that hybridization is no longer limited to the exercise of all human beings, after he entered the thorny nature of this area! Where was seen a lot of polar hybrids while living in the wild already!

In 2006, he was a sniper bear white spots structure, believed to be a hybrid polar bear and another grizzled, by fishermen in the North Pole! Then in 2009, it was taking a picture of a possible hybrid of North Atlantic right whale, and the whale curved head in the Bering Sea!

The natural hybridization growing animals a strong indicator of climate change we have. While the melting of the Arctic ice continues catastrophic rate, the animals will start from different factions Kalped and whales, bears, which are besieged by staggering the ice blocks and gathered together in mixing in these isolated areas and then non-traditional mating may occur!

It is known from these hybrids lack of fertility, that is, they can not be sterile in turn mate and give birth, but this phenomenon raises a lot of concern because they could lead some species to the brink of extinction, after he could no longer built with natural mating compatriots.

Nature journal Nature has published a study in 2010, a list of 34 whale species on the brink of intermarriage between the races due to climate warming. You can see the full list here.

To help us imagine how this would look like hybrids, the artist Nyuklaa L design some pictures of such matings unusual!

Dolphin and whale × white rhino: white skin has been predominantly on the body of this hybrid is 
likely to have been small tusk as well! Will inherit the little whale color rhino This hybrid.

Ringed seal harbor seal ×: Hybrid has more spots you seal the port, but darker. This hybrid of physical strength closer to the Ringed seals.

Polar Bear Bear × eagles: It seems hybrid pup looked like a polar bear fur fur Bear bald eagles in 

some parts.

Polar Bear × Brown Bear: Hybrid have some brown spots on the fur steeper and snout. Ears smaller than those owned by the brown bear.

Seal with a hat × harp seal: Predominantly white color on the hybrid, with some color from the color of the original acquired puppy.

Northern Flying Squirrel Southern Flying Squirrel ×: When I married young, skin the size of the southern flying squirrel, Pfero mottled white and gray shades in the abdominal area

Pig Sea port × pig D. Sea: Hybrid generates darker color, and size and weight is located between the parents.


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