It is one of the most urbanized countries and hardcopy But unlike countries where drugs are legal and stimulant drugs, they are forbidden to have. Prohibited List, which Japan regards as part of stimulant drugs, such as drugs, anti-allergy, and decongestants have been lengthened, and pain relievers, they balance heroin. And to whom the trade of unlicensed Vsiqda her for a long time in prison. Sudden inspection is quite out of the question, it was the police inspection campaigns in workplaces, or have you stop tourists outside the bars and ask them a urine sample!
Vietnam will not face death penalty defendants in drug cases, but they are sent to rehabilitation centers. That seems a wonderful thing, but the fact that these centers but are forced work camps. The defendants in those centers live a hard life, where do not know their fate, as they are detained without setting a specific date for their release, and all they have to do is to continue to work and manufacturing products for the benefit of international companies without any charge. He refuses to work without pay will face beatings, which it sees as an equal human rights organizations of torture. As a result, the riots inside the camps is on the rise.
China states that implement death sentences for drug offenders, or are fired on merchants. But he began to deal differently with drug users, a model closer to Vietnam.
Singapore, one of the countries cleaner, safer and richest. It states that do not compromise on drug issues. Faces drug dealers executions. Although police seized one of the persons carrying grams of hashish or cocaine are Ranked among smugglers. Then they are accused of threats either the death penalty or spend a long time in prison. The police found the drugs in the home of one of the persons Vstattabrh her owner, although it may prove with evidence and proof that it is not him!
Emirate of Dubai imposes strict laws on possession of drugs. The defendant might not face the death penalty, but he will spend a long time in prison. Dubai does not tolerate the drug is, they do not allow people who have their own space in which detractors of smuggling painkillers or poppy seeds through airports. It may be released before the release of foreign end to the period of imprisonment, and this is what some see as a positive, but negative in poor prison conditions and serve their punishment.
The Guardian newspaper reported that smoking drugs on the streets of North Korea kills the person to death, although it is not applied only rarely. Rumour has it that the government itself has recently shipped and selling its own brand of methamphetamine. In the era of former President Kim Jong-il it was methamphetamine is produced and presented to visitors in homes, equivalent to tea or coffee. But that was long ago, and is due to hold the detainees from China and North Korea on charges of methamphetamine trade.
Wayne arrived a passenger to Jakarta examination proves the existence of traces of narcotic substances in his blood may be executed. Beamer could face prison for dozens of years or the death penalty by firing squad. In 2009 was the imposition of a law forcing parents to report their children in the abuse of narcotic substances. And failure to do so was the result of the imposition of punishment on the entire family. Indonesia does not tolerate the drug trade and abuse, and they do not hesitate in carrying out death sentences against foreigners who are found guilty. In 2015, two Australians and Brasilia executed on drug background.
Believe it or not, the 60-70% of the prisoners in Iran are being held against the backdrop of drug charges. It is strange that Iran runs rehabilitation centers to treat addicts more than any other country, but that did not contribute to the elimination of the drug crisis. In the coming years we may see a change in Iran may be drug legislation. Chairman of the group responsible for reducing drug use in the diagnosis of the Iranian regime's interest to change the existing state policy on the fight against the cultivation, sale and use of drugs, and the trend Authority has proposed some leave poppy cultivation and hemp under the supervision of the state, and allow Bastamalhma in certain places and age-specific, but it remains an advisory opinion . This Alaguetrah came to relieve the proportion of executions and the proportion of prisoners.
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