3 best tourist destinations can be visited as high $

Many of us are afraid to travel at times when exchange rates are high, especially the US dollar, but in this topic Snarafkm the best three places you can travel to in times of high dollar.
3 best tourist destinations can be visited as a stronger $

Taipei, capital of Taiwan

Recently suspended hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions in the Taiwan city of a significant reduction in prices, as this decline reached 10.5% of the original price, and the dollar also saw a decline of 5%.

Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech has seen a huge reduction in the total cost of hotels and tourist attractions, where up to 30%, so the impact on the value of the Moroccan dirham decreasing by 7% compared with the US dollar, so it is a destination suitable for tourists.

Prague, capital of the Czech Republic

Financial terms, the cost of living has dropped by 10% from previous years, making it a destination for tourists suitable for those wishing to see the attractions at the lowest cost.

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Exotic animals like the mythical world

Rich in nature and are filled with many wonders that we still do not know them very little, like these animals, which we will post them on you and that you may not believe that it exists on the planet.
Exotic animals like the mythical world

Animal thorny devil

Thorny devil or dragon thorny, is a small animal found in the Australian desert, and is characterized by thorns, which covers his body in a strange way.

Animal Aloukaba

This animal resides mainly in Central Africa, belongs to the family of the giraffe. As for the form, you can say that half of a giraffe and a half zebra.

Narwhal "whale rhino"

The animal lives in the North Pole, an arm of the platoon beluga whales, but for his century is only for males.

Small animal called Tenrec

This small animal found in Madagascar, one of the mammals and also has a distinctive way of communicating between the sons of sex where the sound is a very high wave does not hear humans.

Bird paradise

This bird and his platoon sons living in the island of New Guinea, is characterized by its feathers extending from the bottom of the beak.

Vampire deer

This deer is characterized by little his body, considered as China, North Korea and South primary habitat.

Monkey curry

This monkey is characterized by red face, and a few numbers, presence is concentrated in the area around the River Amazon forests.

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You will not believe the Coke bottle was inspired by women's dress!

No person can not distinguish Coke bottle form a unique, almost no one knows that this form is inspired by the women's dress was a wake-up call to the world of fashion at a time, before becoming forgotten.

American artist Andy Warhol said that Coca-Cola product does not differentiate between the layers, president drank the same Coca-Cola that drink legions, and there is no amount of money as possible to pay the rich to drink Coca-Cola is better than that drink the poor, all the bottles of Coca-Cola has the same quality and the same taste.

Until the mid-twentieth century, the Coca-Cola bottle and one size which is 192 mm, but in 1956 became the Coca-Cola bottles come in three sizes 0.295 mm 0.354 mm, and 768 mm.

Coca-Cola bottle old form

When the US Asian businessman Greggz Candler founded the Coca-Cola company in 1888, he had a dream to become the most famous and best company for soft drinks in the world, at that time the competition was burning between many companies, so Candler wanted a unique form of the Coca-Cola bottle sets it apart from the rest of its competitors .

The bottle of Coca-Cola's first commercial product appeared on the cover of Time magazine and that was in 1950, this appearance came after the announcement of the result of a poll conducted by The Coca-Cola Company in the mid-forties, where he reported less than 1% of Americans that they are unable to distinguish Coke bottle, depending on the form only .

Since the introduction of Coca-Cola in the market and its sales in the rise of a missile, and with the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of companies that mimic drink Coca-Cola, and it has become to be finding a way to help the consumer to tell the difference between the original Coca-Cola drink and a snob, in the year of 1906 was pasted paper on a Coke bottle emblazoned with the Coca-Cola logo brightly colored, this attempt failed because the paper was separated from the bottle when it is placed in the refrigerator to be cooled.
Coca-Cola company realized it needed a way to better differentiate its product, worked a contest between design offices to work with a uniquely shaped bottle, and placed a $ 500 prize for the winner.

I was impressed by the Coca-Cola Company has chosen to design Art Glass company, he chose a glass of the type Germain Green is used in the manufacture of bottles, because of the tyranny of brand Coca-Cola turned glass name to Georgia Green relative to the state of Georgia, where Coca-Cola was invented.

In the sixties Coca-Cola made from aluminum cans became available to the public, with the knowledge that Coca-Cola tested aluminum cans for the first time in the early days of World War II, but abandoned the use at the time because the aluminum is not available, because it is needed in the war effort.

A team of five members of the Art Glass Company looked to American popular culture that prevailed at the time, and then decided to develop the design of the bottle design of "hobble skirt" a female dress was famous in the second decade of the twentieth century. The design also influenced the fruit of the cocoa tree, despite the fact that this fruit is not related to drink Coca-Cola, but the team is the fruit impressed when he saw her in a book, he decided to take advantage of it.

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What makes us sneeze if we look at the sun or bright light?

Have you ever wondered what makes us Natts If we look at the sun? Many of us may have heard from their parents or grandparents that consideration of the sun or a bright light stimulates sneezing, but why? Continued with us to find out why.

What makes us Natts If we look at the sun or bright light?
Sneezing when considering the sun or bright light is not a myth or a random explanation, but his scientific explanations, and even that has a scientific name is "photic sneeze origin," it has been the term been in place since 1954. But the theory has been generally observed for thousands of years.
Here we will present theories contained a set in this command:

Aristotle's theory of thousands of years ago
Aristotle observed this thousands of years ago, has said that the heat of the sun leads to dehydration of mucus in the nose, which may stimulate the nose twitching and then sneeze rights.

Linked gene theory
For the moment, there are studies linking it to genes, due note of young children sneeze when exposed also to bright light, making some researchers say that this effect is related to genes, even if a parent is affected by light and sneeze more than half of the children will be like him.

Theory linked the cause nerves
There are other scientific theory attributed the cause to be a bright light generates signals affecting the trigeminal nerve in the brain, a sensory nerve and is responsible for the nose and is in control of sensory nose and mouth.

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10 more mysterious mysteries in aviation history and flights

Two years flashlight on the Malaysian plane that has baffled the world in the mystery of her disappearance mysterious disappearance of private and they did not leave behind any trace on the way lost. The plane was not the first in the history of Malaysian flights that lose in this mysterious way, the following review together 10 mysteries in aviation history the mystery of her disappearance has baffled the world!
More obscure puzzles in the history of flights

DB Cooper incident

Perhaps the most enigmatic stories of escape, until the moment! In 1971, an unidentified man under the name "Dan Cooper" has succeeded in hijacking a Boeing 727 and a ransom demand against which 200 thousand dollars. Having got his money jumped from the rear exit of the plane of the umbrella did not find it again! To date, no conclusive evidence to confirm the true identity or location does not appear. According to the FBI's belief, it is believed that Cooper killed during a jump from the plane.

Flight 522 belonging to Helios Airways

On 14 August 2005, the air traffic controllers in Greece contact with Flight 550 observers remained awaiting the arrival of the flight to Athens airport for more than an hour after the scheduled date. The Greek fighter aircraft had spotted the pilot lying on the control panel, and after about half an hour, the plane began to land and crashed in the nearby hills Yannis Behrakis GRAMMATIKO, killing all passengers and crew totaling 121 people. The journey was considered more flights bloodiest in Greek history. Investigations revealed that the gradual loss of pressure in the cabin crew to make leave unable to do anything.

The disappearance of Amelia Earhart plane

Maybe months stories related to the disappearance of the aircraft. Pioneer Amelia Earhart plane over the Pacific Ocean have vanished in 1937 while attempting to fly around the world. There were different reasons about her disappearance, some claimed she was a spy Guensa by Japanese troops and drop. Others believe it is rigged her death in a manner mysterious disappearance, but few people think it kidnapped by space aliens or supernatural powers!

Flight 447 of Air France

In the early hours of the first day of June 2009, Air France announced a loss of flight 447, which was launched from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. The plane was carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members. The plane Airbus A330-200 disappeared in the middle of the ocean, for a period of 6 days, did not find any trace of the plane vanished, so when you find the wreckage, found to be the cause of the fall is a thunderstorm, but what sparked confusion is that the captain did not send any distress signal!
Two years after the incident, we found the black boxes on the ocean floor. The final report, which was published in July 2012, said that the accident occurred due to obstruction of pitot tube due to ice crystals which caused the disengagement, later found that the pilot slept only one hour before the flight means that the human error out of the question for an oversight Captain.

Air Force plane Aloorojoineh flight 571

On October 13, 1972, it disappeared Air Force Uruguayan plane was carrying 40 passengers and five crew members as they cross the Andes. After 72 days of the crash, 16 people, survivors emerged after the assumption that all the passengers had died. It was filmed a life lived these survivors in the film directed in 1993 called Alive and included how to enable them to survive and by addressing the dead bodies!

Flight 739 of the airline Flying Tiger

On March 16, 1962, Lockheed L-1049 carrying 93 US soldiers and three soldiers from South Vietnam in mysterious circumstances while on her way to Clark Air Base in the Philippines disappeared. Initiated immediately searches which lasted for eight days, more than 200 thousand square miles, and as eyewitnesses, they saw an explosion but did not find any wreckage of the plane!

Flight 990 of the Egyptian airline

In 1999, the Egyptian flight 990 crashed on its way from New York to Cairo in the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles off the coast of the United States of America. He died in the incident, 217 people but the mystery of the case that some considered crashing the result of revenge Egyptian airline employee from the airline for bad moral behavior, but the final investigation concluded that the incident did not happen intentionally.

TWA800 trip

Trans World Airlines Flight 800, a Boeing 747 exploded and crashed in the Atlantic Ocean near the East New York on July 17, 1996, killing all of them were passengers and crew totaling 230 people. Although many people predicted that the bombing is a terrorist act because of the suspicious way, but the US Federal Bureau of Investigation did not discover any evidence of an act of terrorism to achieve, which lasted 16 months.

Others suggested that a US Navy warship is has shot down the plane over the rocket-propelled grenade and that the US government is concealing the matter. But a report published in the August 23, 2000 AD, he pointed out that the reason for the sudden explosion is an electrical fault.

Bermuda Triangle area

Triangular area bounded by Miami, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, in this particular area, they found dozens of planes and ships tragic fate in unusual circumstances. The disappearance of the trips due to the paranormal or activity outside of nature!
Of the highlights of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle area of flight 19 disappearance, launcher American bombs, on the fifth of December 1945 AD, except for the disappearance of other aircraft sent to search for the flight 19. In addition to the plane's disappearance Douglas DC-3 in 1948, carrying 32 people, and the collision of air sudden between the two planes of the US air Force in 1963.

Stardust BSAA trip
In 1947, the dust of the British airline Air America Star Trek disappeared in a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile via Mendoza. It has not found any trace of the wreckage for more than 50 years, sparking conspiracy theories about sabotage or abducted by aliens. But it found the Rolls-Royce engine and the remains of nine victims of the 11 victims at the foot of a mountain ice in the Andes.

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