Who finds himself unable to swallow food after waking up, which is why

Many of the basic dynamic actions of your body do it without asking or up to you to protect and preserve your life, Kaptlaa Rivk air between each period and another, or close your eyes involuntarily when sneezing, or breathing dozens of times per minute without feeling. But do you got to wake up one day to sleep and you are unable to swallow food suddenly? Is this normal or is it something to worry about?

Swallowing process usually occur as a result of a complex interaction between nerves and muscles, in 22 pairs of muscles and 7 cranial nerves involved in this process. Usually swallowing be optional process involuntarily, but also be an automatic process Kaptlaek of spit and mucus and air, and when swallowing stops, one feels like choking.
The causes of dysphagia food and how to cure
Known scientifically inability to swallow food when you wake up from sleep dysphagia, a semi-rare condition afflicting 13% of the world population, and is often associated with people who suffer from neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, or GERD acid disease, or have had a history of patients with strokes or have undergone chemotherapy focuses on the head and neck.

Dysphagia many health problems associated with the most important bottleneck, it can also get pneumonia because of the overlap of food and food with the airway when dysphagia, in addition to the common problem of tooth decay to those who suffer from this disease, weight loss and dehydration.

Researchers are trying hard to find better treatments to help the patient to swallow and deal with the psychological harm they could not do the simplest natural physical things. Among the treatments given to the patient segments savor the taste of chicken or donuts to stimulate the secretion of saliva, which helps to swallowing, as you some food companies to produce a gelatinous material three-dimensional printing technology to facilitate swallowing. Some researchers are conducting experiments to stimulate neurons and mechanical organs in the body to help the process of swallowing, but it is still in the experimental stages.

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States impose severe penalties in the drug trade and abuse issues

Recently we have seen a steady increase in the number of countries that initiate and cultivate marijuana, allowing about 20 US states, led by Oregon and Colorado possession of marijuana for the purpose of entertaining. Latin American countries have begun to walk in the footsteps of the United States in the legislation so that it has become the way to the cigarette packs! But there are countries aware of the danger that the drug becomes legitimate and permissible, and what it will bring social and moral disaster, there is still initiate the maximum penalties for smugglers and drug users and promoters.


It is one of the most urbanized countries and hardcopy But unlike countries where drugs are legal and stimulant drugs, they are forbidden to have. Prohibited List, which Japan regards as part of stimulant drugs, such as drugs, anti-allergy, and decongestants have been lengthened, and pain relievers, they balance heroin. And to whom the trade of unlicensed Vsiqda her for a long time in prison. Sudden inspection is quite out of the question, it was the police inspection campaigns in workplaces, or have you stop tourists outside the bars and ask them a urine sample!
The defendants could face detention without bail or a defense lawyer for thirty days. And also they may be depriving them of sleep, or may be subjected to verbal abuse as a way of paying the defendant to sign a confession, even if it is false. It reaches the conviction rate in Japan about 99.9%! He will spend the charge to prove the drug several years in prison.


Vietnam will not face death penalty defendants in drug cases, but they are sent to rehabilitation centers. That seems a wonderful thing, but the fact that these centers but are forced work camps. The defendants in those centers live a hard life, where do not know their fate, as they are detained without setting a specific date for their release, and all they have to do is to continue to work and manufacturing products for the benefit of international companies without any charge. He refuses to work without pay will face beatings, which it sees as an equal human rights organizations of torture. As a result, the riots inside the camps is on the rise.


China states that implement death sentences for drug offenders, or are fired on merchants. But he began to deal differently with drug users, a model closer to Vietnam.
Drug possession is a small crime in legal terms, but in China is tantamount to abuse. Almtaaton serving three years of compulsory cleansing within the center of the toxins, which are little more than a prison, and another three years in community-based rehabilitation center. And after they are released, to return to the streets without supervision. And then accused it came out after spending nearly a decade in prison.
In 2013 and during a special operation police arrested 100 thousand people from drug users in Guangdong Mqatao, half of whom were sent to detoxification centers.


Singapore, one of the countries cleaner, safer and richest. It states that do not compromise on drug issues. Faces drug dealers executions. Although police seized one of the persons carrying grams of hashish or cocaine are Ranked among smugglers. Then they are accused of threats either the death penalty or spend a long time in prison. The police found the drugs in the home of one of the persons Vstattabrh her owner, although it may prove with evidence and proof that it is not him!


Emirate of Dubai imposes strict laws on possession of drugs. The defendant might not face the death penalty, but he will spend a long time in prison. Dubai does not tolerate the drug is, they do not allow people who have their own space in which detractors of smuggling painkillers or poppy seeds through airports. It may be released before the release of foreign end to the period of imprisonment, and this is what some see as a positive, but negative in poor prison conditions and serve their punishment.

North Korea

The Guardian newspaper reported that smoking drugs on the streets of North Korea kills the person to death, although it is not applied only rarely. Rumour has it that the government itself has recently shipped and selling its own brand of methamphetamine. In the era of former President Kim Jong-il it was methamphetamine is produced and presented to visitors in homes, equivalent to tea or coffee. But that was long ago, and is due to hold the detainees from China and North Korea on charges of methamphetamine trade.


Wayne arrived a passenger to Jakarta examination proves the existence of traces of narcotic substances in his blood may be executed. Beamer could face prison for dozens of years or the death penalty by firing squad. In 2009 was the imposition of a law forcing parents to report their children in the abuse of narcotic substances. And failure to do so was the result of the imposition of punishment on the entire family. Indonesia does not tolerate the drug trade and abuse, and they do not hesitate in carrying out death sentences against foreigners who are found guilty. In 2015, two Australians and Brasilia executed on drug background.


Believe it or not, the 60-70% of the prisoners in Iran are being held against the backdrop of drug charges. It is strange that Iran runs rehabilitation centers to treat addicts more than any other country, but that did not contribute to the elimination of the drug crisis. In the coming years we may see a change in Iran may be drug legislation. Chairman of the group responsible for reducing drug use in the diagnosis of the Iranian regime's interest to change the existing state policy on the fight against the cultivation, sale and use of drugs, and the trend Authority has proposed some leave poppy cultivation and hemp under the supervision of the state, and allow Bastamalhma in certain places and age-specific, but it remains an advisory opinion . This Alaguetrah came to relieve the proportion of executions and the proportion of prisoners.

Saudi Arabia

In its quest for survival of the country is safe from all dangerous pests that may threaten the safety of the community, do not tolerate drug offenses in Saudi Arabia. Getaway faces the death penalty discretionary, what caused the smuggling of great corruption. The promoter for the first time is punished with imprisonment from two to fifteen years, but that as required by the court order. The yield in the promotion of his sentence could be up to the murder and that evil return. The addict faces imprisonment of six months to two years and discretionary, and away from the country if a foreigner.

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Discovered hidden secrets in the world's most famous logos

In this issue we present another set of global logos and show you the secrets hidden in these logos.


Cisco is a leading company in the field of technical equipment and private networks, and the name was inspired by the city in the state of California name, and the code lines are technical signals. 

Museum of London

Overlapping colors in the logo represents in fact change the form of London over the years.

London Symphony

This logo symphony of London, which is named the following shortcut LSO letters which stands for "London Symphony Orchestra", though concentrated in the logo you'll find it resembles the melody.

Sony Vaio

The first letter and the second we see as a wave which shows the analog signal (Analog). Third and fourth letters are the number one and zero indicates the digital signal (Digital). This means the transition from analog to digital broadcasting.


Picasa is an application for Google to modify and edit images. The notification is a lens for the camera while taking pictures.

Continental Corporation

This company is a German company famous in the field of automotive manufacturing requirements, especially the tires, and you'll notice the letter C symbolizes the great car frame.

Tour de France

Logo This is due to an annual Bicycle Race is happening in France, though focused in the right corner at the top, you will find a man riding a bicycle unobtrusively.


Logo used by Wikipedia. There are a lot of parts, and each part by location WILLIAMS into the language, but not the logo is complete, it is because the site wants to continue to grow.

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Why Saudi Arabia will see four seasons in 24 hours?

An expert in the field of meteorology said that Saudi Arabia is entering a stage is "the most violent" in the climatic stages that are exposed, and lasts for 60 days. And according to a Arabiya, an expert in the field of meteorology Brackish Khalid he said: "The UK live stage during these days of the heaviest climatic phases called phase transition spring."

Brackish and added: "gets in this period that we live four seasons in one day, and cooler temperatures and rain and dust." Brackish He noted that this period called "Alemraoih" When we find the population, which means summer rains that form in the afternoon, has been named "Amrawih" because if a solution darkness, the rain unwind or leave.

As far as the dust, the Brackish pointed out that it is divided into two types Stchehdahma Kingdom over the next 60-day period, the two dust "settler" dust "imported", where the difference between them that I have at frequent intervals and followed by rain the event will last until the evening, in while dust "imported" is loaded with dust coming from Kuwait and Iraq to degrade traveler in the skies Kingdom, describing it Balokhtr because it leads to "Ketmh" a bra occurrence of shortness of breath, not accompanied by rain at all.

He said that the dust "settler" is usually white in color, and cloud formation tanker him "Jack" which starts from under the ground to the top, while the color is "imported" red and accompanied by wind.

According to published Arabiya, the Health Affairs in Riyadh declared a state of emergency and raise the full readiness of emergency departments in all hospitals to provide appropriate medical services for patients who may be affected by dust wave taking place in cities and provinces of the region.

He warned the Director General of Health Affairs in Riyadh-designate, Dr. Nasser al-Dossari people with asthma from exposure to dust and take necessary using preventive medications and stay away preventative measures as much as possible triggers for allergies, and not to leave home and not being in open spaces in such an atmosphere unless necessary, and to follow the doctor's instructions carefully and the use of medications to avoid injury crises usury ordered by your doctor and close the windows of houses and workplaces well.

You will not believe that IKEA billionaire buys only used clothing!

Ingvar Kamprad of a Saudi businessman was selling matches as a boy, but now he is the richest person in Europe thanks to the inception of the highly successful furniture company IKEA.

Kamprad said in a documentary to be aired soon on Swedish television that he does not buy only second-hand clothes, and although the Kamprad famous for that frugal too, but the statement was shocking, in the end, is the billionaire will be ninety at the end of this month, there is no need for all this skimping.

Kamprad told Channel Four on Swedish television, "I am not ready to buy any clothes if you do not than be second-hand clothes market, I want to be a role model for others, and that savings is normal when Småland residents," and Småland is a county in southern Sweden grew up Kamprad.

Estimated Swedish media wealth Kamprad estimated at 73.45 billion dollars, while Bloomberg's wealth Kamprad Foundation in June of the year 2015 was estimated at $ 43 billion, while Forbes were estimated wealth in the month of February at about $ 3.4 billion, the secret of inconsistencies in estimates stems from the Kamprad transfer of wealth to a safe tax haven in the Principality of Liechtenstein, and difficult to determine who owns it and what Kamprad, who is owned by his children.

In 2006, ranked by Forbes Kamprad's fourth richest person in the world, nonetheless Tell Kamprad Dutch newspaper in 2008 that he paid $ 24 for a haircut, and that this amount far exceeds the amount that had been allocated for a haircut, of course occupied this permit the headlines at the time, Kamprad said, commenting on the topic "usually I try to I cut my hair when I'm in a visit to a developing country, the last time my hair clipped where you are on a visit to Vietnam."

In 1973 Kamprad left Sweden to Denmark to avoid high Swedish taxes, and then he left Denmark to Switzerland for the same reason, in 2010, leaving Kamprad work, clearing the way for his children to manage the enormous empire, and in 2014 he returned to live in Sweden.

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