Axolotl strange (salamander) live in Mexico
About axolotl Smondl Mexico or axolotl information is a type of salamander live in Mexico, with nearly Basmndl Tiger. Mexico lives in a kind of sea urchins called Oksolutl has the capabilities and advantages of strange. Parties to this marine object re-growth after cutting them, and if the wound stops bleeding within seconds. Scientists are now seeking to take advantage of these benefits in human medicine and animal featured unique feature of renewal is like starfish and sea cucumbers, found the animal since 1830 in the channels in Mexico Group, a Xochimilcho channel where he found in that region only, and animals today is one of the rare animals It is then sold in shops and markets at a high price (all of which have been bred in farms and private nurseries) can the animal live to 10 years and is available White Balloon, brown trout, gray or gray and silver gray, color, brown is the most of the available colors, has a wide mouth and head circular shape sprout it six centuries soft texture by whiskers. Locals call it Oksolutl Axolotl name which means "water monster".
This strange animal that is almost extinct in Mexico because of environmental pollution, but scientists do not care for him was extinct a long time ago. There are vital innovation center in Germany there are more than 120 animals from it, and the animal a little movement, preferably enforced in the corner of the water basin, not unthinkable he deems it enjoys advantages not available with other organisms known to us, says researcher Christina Olmelling: "The axolotl miracle in the ability to renew itself, he is able to regenerate limbs and even internal organs is necessary for life, and that may be harmed by an accident or when another animal bite him, and that's exactly very exciting to our attention. " To find out what happens when Aloksolutl loses a limb, the experiences of being on the cutting Parties scientists. Dr. Bjorn Minger one animal out of the water basin and puts it in a secluded basin where there is an anesthetic liquid, and after a few minutes be Aloksolutl have missed awareness of the anesthetic, and then placed on the surgery table: "We use surgical technique and make scalpel amputation process. We do not need to take care of the placement of amputation Because blood clots within seconds, so that one can watch Taktherh speed and stop the bleeding. In the end, amputation is a simple procedure. "