Balosmanin old man of startling thicken the world of sports and fitness

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 hamada cabo 0 Comments

It raised the elderly in the 88 passers-old from surprising, if began to lead movements and exercise very difficult, but very agility and precision, because they need high fitness.
Lined passers in the "Hangzhou" in "Chjyanj" Province of China to see the agility of this elderly man who looked like twenty years old.
This octogenarian man exercise fitness and balance movements for more than 20 years, and review the movements in the streets, public squares, unfurled his legs and Abakehma hanging precariously in the air and puts them water bottles in a wonderful balance of movement, and even put the bottles on the edge of his toes and remain constant.
This man and lead movements with ease is a seasoned on it since he was in eighth and sixty years of age.


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